Frankfurt was somewhat aloof in style, with a dry wit and a strenuous aversion to pomposity. Julian McWilliams,, 24 June 2023 Bold and daring in his ideas, Dr. Wyatt Mason, New York Times, 27 July 2023 His comments on playing shortstop have turned from reflective and confident to aloof and curt. 2023 The memoir accumulates a hugeness of feeling that puts a lie to the idea that difficulty in a piece of writing is necessarily cold or aloof or incompatible with the kind of intense emotion that McCrae’s narrative uncommonly yields. 2023 In contrast, The Economist’s podcasts are pleasantly aloof, even indifferent. Tatiana Stanovaya, Foreign Affairs, 8 Aug. 2023 But Putin’s passivity in the face of internal military threats and his aloof stance may become a major problem for the regime in the near future. Jonathan Losos, Discover Magazine, 10 Aug. 2023 The common view that domestic cats are aloof loners couldn’t be further from the truth. Brittany Beringer, Women's Health, 12 Aug.

2023 Gemini Moon: As a logical air sign, a Gemini Moon might come off as aloof in the emotional department.

► see thesaurus at unfriendly 2 deliberately not becoming involved in something remain/stand aloof (from something) Initially, the President remained aloof from the campaign. Beneath that aloof exterior, Gayle is a warm, sympathetic person. keep/hold yourself aloof (from somebody) She had always kept herself aloof from the boys in class. /luf/ /luf/ not usually before noun Idioms not friendly or interested in other people synonym distant, remote He was a cold man, aloof and distant. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English aloof a‧loof / əˈluːf / adjective, adverb 1 UNFRIENDLY unfriendly and deliberately not talking to other people remain/stay aloof (from somebody) They worked hard, but tended to stay aloof from the local inhabitants.